We’re always keen to share expert insights and actionable advice for life science marketers.
Our articles explore various topics and
challenges that could inspire your success in
this challenging industry.


How a clear marketing strategy can drive success in Bioscience start-ups
Marina Hop Marina Hop

How a clear marketing strategy can drive success in Bioscience start-ups

A successful start-up will go through various stages, from initial idea and business plan development to product launch and market penetration. In order to succeed, bioscience start-ups must secure funding.

This requires demonstrating a clear path to profitability within a reasonable time frame. Developing a marketing strategy early on is vital to attract investment, acquire customers, and drive long-term growth for these start-ups.

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Building a stand-out brand in Life Science – the new reality
Marketing strategy Marina Hop Marketing strategy Marina Hop

Building a stand-out brand in Life Science – the new reality

Life Science companies are having to work harder to stand out. Smaller companies in particular are competing more fiercely for customers and investors. And they’re not immune to the explosion of information vying for customer attention coupled with ever shorter customer attention spans in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Find out who’s winning the brand race and what your company can learn from them.

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How to market a commodity product
Marina Hop Marina Hop

How to market a commodity product

When you have a parity or commoditised product with little differentiation from competitors, you need a profound understanding of what frustrates customers and what matters to them most before looking for ways to differentiate what you are offering.

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Why Scientists resist change and what marketers can do about it
Marina Hop Marina Hop

Why Scientists resist change and what marketers can do about it

The barriers to technology adoption are frequently higher than marketers recognise especially when that new technology brings seemingly huge new capabilities. Marketers often don’t anticipate the level of inertia that needs to be overcome for customers to change to a new product.

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